
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Scarborough (ON), Nelson, c1982.
160pp, paper, $4.95.
ISBN 0-17-601507-8.

Grades 9 and up.
Reviewed by Susan Ratcliffe.

Volume 11 Number 1.
1983 January.

Advocates of "language across the curriculum" will appreciate this handbook designed for quick student reference in a variety of language activities in all subject areas. The book's aims are to assist in independent learning, to encourage a common set of standards and practices across the curriculum, and to save time for both teachers and students. Its format and contents combine nicely to achieve all of them.

The contents include study skills, the writing process from initial outlining to editing and polishing (it even includes a check list for good handwriting), researching and presenting longer papers, writing letters of all kinds including folding the letter and laying out the envelope, listening and speaking skills. The latter chapter gives activities and practical advice on how to accomplish them successfully. At the end of each chapter a "Test Yourself" section poses practice situations for applying the rules. Answer pages at the back serve as a handy review. The table of contents and index give immediate access to specific topics.

The handbook covers most writing and speaking skills needed by students for any subject. Its clear and attractive design, checklists, self-testing questions, and practical samples of the rules applied to curricular and co-curricular situations commonly faced by students make it an ideal guide for all grade levels. It is even punched and notebook-sized for inclusion in binders; it would also be a useful addition to all classrooms' desk top reference collections. Language across the curriculum would be significantly aided by the adoption and use of this handbook.

Susan Ratcliffe, Centennial CVI, Guelph, ON.
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1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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