
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Lindee Climo.

Montreal, Tundra Books, c1982.
Distributed by Collins.
32pp, cloth, $12.95.
ISBN 0-88776-132-1.

Grades K-4.
Reviewed by Adele M. Fasick.

Volume 11 Number 1.
1983 January.

A press release about Chester's Barn describes it as "a children's book as a work of art." The book was launched in Charlottetown in conjunction with an exhibition of the paintings that illustrate it. These paintings, which focus on the variety of farm animals that live in an old-fashioned barn on Prince Edward Island, dominate the book. Lindee Climo's pictures bring to life the cows, cats, sheep, and chickens who live in Chester's barn. While the striking pictures will capture the attention of preschool children, the rather lengthy text is informative for older students. Readers will learn how long it takes to milk a cow (about five minutes) and the reason for keeping two different kinds of chickens. They will share Chester's interest and concern in the birth of a new calf. Because the text describes the events of a day on a farm rather than telling a dramatic story, children may not be drawn to reading the book for themselves. Teachers, however, will be able to use it with a wide range of classes, reading it aloud and discussing the text to add enrichment to a study of farm animals and their care.

Adele M. Fasick, Faculty of Library and Information Science, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
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