
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Peter Adams.

Toronto, Crabtree Publishing, c1981.
64pp, paperbound boards, $11.15 (paperbound boards), $7.95 (paper).
ISBN 0-86505-005-8 (paperbound boards), 0-86505-006-6 (paper).

Grades 5 and up.
Reviewed by Murray M. Heslop.

Volume 10 Number 4.
1982 November.

The strengths of the Early Settler Life series are its scope and its authenticity. An abundance of visual aids make it useful at various grade and reading levels.

Peter Adams remarks that, "Our world is a plastic one," while developing the point that the early settler world was dependent on wood. The text moves from the first stages of clearing the land, through the organization of towns around sawmills and the more sophisticated uses of sawn lumber, to the world of the logging camp. No specific locations are used, so the text has application for both the Canadian and the American experiences. The exception is that a western logging camp is contrasted with an eastern one.

The, role of the family in settling the land, operating the sawmill, and at the lumber mill is clarified with respect to the important support roles that women and children played.

The contents, glossary, and index are all on one page each and are well devised. The text is clearly organized with bold, large type, red headings, and well defined paragraphs. There are numerous photographs and captions with captions that draw the reader into a closer examination of the picture.

Curious readers will speculate on the age and perhaps the places shown in the photographs. Advanced readers may feel restricted by the controlled sentence structure and the repetitious wording. Average and low ability students will find this text rich in terminology and a satisfying learning experience because of the well-organized approach to the subject.

Murray M. Heslop, Greenbriar S. P. S., Bramalea, ON.
line indexes


1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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