
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

J. M. McInnes and J. A. Treffry.

Toronto, University of Toronto Press, c1982.
284pp, cloth, $27.50.
ISBN 0-8020-2415-7.

Reviewed by Alma Webster.

Volume 10 Number 4.
1982 November.

This very specialized work designed to provide a reference guide for "teachers, parents, professionals and para-professionals working or living with children who are both deaf and blind" is written by two administrators of the W. Ross Macdonald School in Brantford, which specializes in the deaf-blind.

An underlying purpose has been to provide information and assistance for both parents and professionals to enable them to work together to provide an adequate program for this type of multi-sensory handicapped. The authors do stress, however, that there is no one formula that is applicable to all children, and the suggested approaches and activities indicate only the types of things that should be done to encourage developments.

The book consists of ten chapters with the first discussing the nature of the problem, identification, and major causes of deaf-blind multi-sensory deprivation. There follows information on and practical suggestions for a program structure and the creation and maintenance of a reactive environment. In the remainder of the text, each chapter examines in considerable depth seven specific areas of social and emotional development, communication, motor development (gross and fine), perceptual development, orientation and mobility, and life skills.

Each chapter includes background information, general suggestions, specific areas of focuses, with suggested methods and activities that should prove useful to encourage development. Charts and summaries are included in each chapter to assist the non-specialist reader. Many diagrams and photographs are well chosen and well placed for the reader's use. Medical and specialized terms are printed in a boldface type and are defined and explained in the glossary.

This book is recommended to all professionals who work with the blind-deaf and should be available for the use of families of such children. It offers very practical suggestions, yet always emphasizing the intense physical demands on the parent and the possible conflicting professional advice.

Alma Webster, Edmonton Public School Board, Edmonton, AB.
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